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Elevate Your Self-Confidence: Empowering Tips and Insights 

Something that pretty much all people with anxiety suffer from is a lack of confidence, they have internal stories that give them all the reasons why they can't succeed and get the things in life they want, therefore talking them out of taking action.


To begin to become confident you first need an inspiring dream for your life. It has become obvious to me that people with anxiety and OCD always seem to know what they don't want, e.g. I don't want to be anxious. But they rarely tend to know what they DO want. Knowing what you want is vital in the process of recovering from anxiety and OCD because it forces your mind to focus on other things rather than existing obsessive thoughts.


Confidence, to me, is learning to trust in oneself, even in the face of fear and uncertainty. knowing that no matter what happens you'll be ok and being happy knowing that you are doing the best for yourself in any given moment. It's about embracing the unknown with a sense of inner assurance, knowing that you have the resilience and capability to navigate through challenges. 


Trusting oneself in spite of fears is a fundamental aspect of confidence. It means acknowledging the presence of fear but refusing to let it dictate your actions or decisions. Instead, it's about confronting those fears head-on, stepping outside of your comfort zone, and taking calculated risks to grow and evolve. I know that this may sound very daunting so it is necessary to break these goals down into achievable baby steps and take consistent action by making small improvements, if you focus on just becoming slightly better than you were yesterday, everyday, your life will change rapidly. 


Building confidence is not an overnight process; it's a journey requiring repetition. Just like any skill or muscle, confidence needs to be nurtured and strengthened through consistent practice. It involves pushing boundaries, facing setbacks, and learning from both successes and failures. The fear of failure tends to hold most people back, but here is the thing, failure is nothing to be scared of, in fact failure is our greatest teacher, if you are failing, that means that you are actually succeeding because each failure is taking you towards your inevitable success! The only true failure is never trying.


Another point to make is that no matter how unrealistic something may seem from your current perspective you really can go for the things that seem impossible, I'm sure you will be shocked at what is actually achievable in all areas of your life when you let go of your limiting beliefs. Playing it safe or not aiming big will only hold you back from the life you really want, you can ask yourself "what would I do and become if I knew that I couldn't fail?" That is what we all should be working towards.  


Each time you push yourself gently out of your comfort zone and confront your fears, you chip away at the barriers holding you back, gradually expanding your comfort zone and bolstering your confidence. It's through repetition and perseverance that you internalize the belief in your abilities and cultivate a deep-seated sense of self-assurance.


In essence, confidence is the result of consistently trusting oneself in spite of fears and dedicating oneself to the ongoing process of growth and self-discovery. It's a journey of self-empowerment and self-acceptance, where each step taken towards embracing fear brings you closer to realizing your full potential.

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